Phone: 0876209892
Life and Business Coach
Licensed Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming
Member Reiki Federation Ireland
Her Reiki Healings can also include (if you so wish) Counselling, Healing with Angels, Angel Card Readings, Crystals, and tapping into the amazing power of your subconscious mind to help you manifest more love, health, happiness, joy and wealth into your life - all your heart desires. She has 37 years teaching experience. She teaches Reiki 1 2 3 and practices Reiki Healings in Dublin
Patricia believes HEALING WITH REIKI is the way of the Future. More and more people are NOW focusing on their HEALTH and WELLBEING.
They are NOT just waiting until they get sick to see a doctor or admitted to Hospital.
The general public is turning with more and more interest to Reiki Healings in Dublin as part of taking care of their health and wellbeing.
Patricia Loughlin was recommended to me by one of my colleagues after I expressed an interest in exploring Reiki to assist in my recovery days after having suffered a massive, life-changing, panic attack at work – so serious that I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital.
Nearly one year later, there is no doubt in my mind that Reiki has turned my life around especially in dealing with an anxiety disorder that I was subsequently diagnosed with.
I was so impressed with the effect it had on both the physical and mental well-being that I attended Reiki Level 1 Workshop which enables me to perform Reiki effectively on myself now.
I have also diagnosed with a serious liver issue a couple of years ago which my specialist was extremely concerned about as to my longevity.
Since I commenced Reiki, my liver condition has improved dramatically, so much so that I only attend him once a year now.
Patricia built me back up to where I am now from a very dark place in my life by patiently performing Reiki on me in a very positive professional manner. I owe my recovery to Patricia and to the person who introduced me to her.
Best for now
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1980. I have been a patient of 3 Neurologists over the last 40 years. They did all the necessary tests and said they could not help or offer any treatment.
I can only share my experience of Reiki with you. Patricia Loughlin came to my home in March 2003. I was very sceptical and reluctantly agreed to have Reiki.
Health Improvements following Reiki
1 Trips to the bathroom at night reduced from at least 9 to 1
2 I have become much more positive – my humour is greatly improved
3 I am now able to use an exercise bike and walk 100 metres.
4 I regularly had headaches. I cannot remember when I last had one.
5 My memory has improved – I have less problems conducting a conversation
My life and the life of my family have been transformed thanks to Patricia Loughlin and her Reiki Treatments.
My Neurologist tells me to continue what I am doing because its working for me……
I have had a throat problem for the last 18 months. I have been attending the hospital. I have also suffered from really bad headaches on a daily basis for as far back as I can remember. I was taking strong tablets to try and stop the pain. They rarely worked.
I went to Patricia Loughlin for a few sessions of Reiki with a totally open mind.
I can’ say I had great hope of anything been achieved but I felt I had nothing to lose. The following has happened:-
I recently went back to the hospital. The doctor treating me was new to my case. He, first of all, looked at my file and then carried out some tests on my throat. He said that the granulomas on my throat seemed to have disappeared completely.
I have not taken a strong tablet for my headaches in months now. That really is a miracle.
My stress level is also improved.
I would and indeed have recommended Patricia Loughlin to other people. I am really happy that I went and received such outstanding results. …..
Counselling, Healing with Angels, Mini Angel Card Reading, Crystals, tapping into the power of your subconscious mind to help you manifest more happiness, improved health, love and prosperity – everything your Heart desires – 1 Hour €60
Email –
Yes, Reiki is a very powerful and natural Healing Energy.
Reiki really means true self. It helps bring you home to your body, grounds and guides you to live from your Heart. As you work through blockages, you may start to experience unconditional love, peace, security and harmony; and embody that part of YOU that is very powerful. “Love is the greatest Healing Power there is and the Greatest Love of ALL is inside of you”. Reiki Healings in Dublin will help you transform your Life from the inside out.
Reiki Healings enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself, helping to restore balance and harmony to the mindbody.
Reiki Healings in Dublin is becoming more and more popular and is offered as a safe, non-intrusive complementary therapy for a wide spectrum of client conditions that include anxiety, panic, depression, chronic pain, infertility, asthma, skin conditions, ulcers, injuries and arthritis.
Reiki Healings can be a hugely beneficial support to those experiencing life changes, whether as an aid during pregnancy, recovering from surgery, undergoing cancer treatment or going through a bereavement.
Imagine if you could create an incredible life filled with financial wealth… Deep and passionate love… Vibrant health and lasting happiness.
What if you could achieve every goal you ever set in your life… Easier, faster and more enjoyably than you may think is possible?
Imagine if you could enjoy deep and more satisfying relationships… Finally meet your soul mate… Ignite the passion with your current partner or spouse.
Imagine feeling unshakable belief in yourself and your abilities to create the results you desire.
What if this was possible? How would your life be transformed? What would it cost you if you don’t make any changes?
If you’ve read all the books, listened to all the audio courses, attended many seminars, and you are you still not getting the results and transformations you want. If you are still living from pay cheque to pay cheque and dream of escaping from your worries or struggles…
In a private Reiki session, Patricia will help you unlock the blocks inside and discover what is stopping you from living all the richness, wealth, joy and happiness you want. She will help you set goals and guide you to live the life of your dreams.
Reiki Healings in Dublin will help you discover a better way, one that can lead to a life of fulfilment, happiness, gratitude and purpose.
“At any moment, the decision you make can change the course of your life forever’. Make the right move…
invest in you:”
“Trust your instincts like I did and attend Patricia’s Reiki Workshops – you will be glad you did. Reiki completely changed my life for the better.
I am much more confident and relaxed now. Patricia is a Brilliant Teacher”.
Click on BUY NOW BUTTON to Pay €50 deposit or Pay in full for this Reiki Workshop to secure your place and avail of early bird price
I visited Professional Reiki Practitioner Patricia Loughlin 5 years ago with serious anxiety and confidence issues. I would even go as far as to say I was depressed but completely unaware of the fact.
Through her special gift and gentle support and guidance Patricia has help me turn my life around.
I have gone from strength to strength, having returned to the workforce after 15 years as a stay at home mother.
I have since achieved three promotions, obtained an honours degree in psychology and I am presently studying for my Masters in UCD.
My bouts of depression have completely disappeared and although my life is still stressful I now have the tools to deal with my anxiety in a way which allows me to function until they subside.
I no longer get debilitating migraine headaches and my general well-being and energy has improved exponentially. Old friends who haven’t seen me for a number of years often remark on how great my skin looks, having suffered from eczema for many years. I look and feel 10 years younger than I did before I started my Reiki Sessions with Patricia.
And finally Patricia has me the kind of happiness that I never thought I would experience, the kind that gets into your bones and allows you to meet the worst that life throws at you with new courage and for this I will forever be in her debt.
With warmest wishes and thanks ….
Reiki has been a part of my life for 7 years now. It has brought me unbelievable strength, profound healing and peace throughout my cancer journey. It has helped me with gentle detoxing during and after chemotherapy and most importantly a deep feeling that everything would be ok, that I can tap into my unlimited personal pure health at any time. It has brought so much to me that I am now a Reiki Practitioner and Reiki Teacher …..
I have had a throat problem for the last 18 months. I have been attending the hospital. I have also suffered from really bad headaches on a daily basis for as far back as I can remember. I was taking strong tablets to try and stop the pain. They rarely worked.
I went to Patricia Loughlin for a few sessions of Reiki with a totally open mind.
I can’ say I had great hope of anything been achieved but I felt I had nothing to lose. The following has happened:-
I recently went back to the hospital. The doctor treating me was new to my case. He, first of all, looked at my file and then carried out some tests on my throat. He said that the granulomas on my throat seemed to have disappeared completely.
I have not taken a strong tablet for my headaches in months now. That really is a miracle.
My stress level is also improved.
I would and indeed have recommended Patricia Loughlin to other people. I am really happy that I went and received such outstanding results. …..
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1980. I have been a patient of 3 Neurologists over the last 40 years. They did all the necessary tests and said they could not help or offer any treatment.
I can only share my experience of Reiki with you. Patricia Loughlin came to my home in March 2003. I was very sceptical and reluctantly agreed to have Reiki.
Health Improvements following Reiki
1 Trips to the bathroom at night reduced from at least 9 to 1
2 I have become much more positive – my humour is greatly improved
3 I am now able to use an exercise bike and walk 100 metres.
4 I regularly had headaches. I cannot remember when I last had one.
5 My memory has improved – I have less problems conducting a conversation
My life and the life of my family have been transformed thanks to Patricia Loughlin and her Reiki Treatments.
My Neurologist tells me to continue what I am doing because its working for me……
Reiki has been incredibly powerful for me. When I started my Reiki Therapy 3 months ago I was in a very bad place. Suffering with a broken heart, I was depressed and very anxious. I had been in this place for a while and was looking for ways to calm my mind, bring myself some peace, learn about myself and be able to cope with life better.
Since beginning this journey I have seen wonderful effects on my life. My self-esteem and self-worth have grown. I am much more self-aware. With Reiki I have truly began to understand myself more. For most of my life I was living in chaos, anxious and hurt, thinking this was normal. Reiki has helped me be more grounded, stand in my own power, balance myself and to value myself more.
For me Reiki has been exceptionally powerful, it has changed my outlook and continues to bring joy and positivity into my life. I am so grateful to have found Reiki and Patricia Loughlin.
Thanks a million ……
Hi Patricia
I hope this will inspire your students and clients. I started my Reiki journey with Patricia Loughlin last years. I was working in a horrible job, listening to bitching and moaning all day long. I would wake up every morning with a knot of anxiety in my stomach. I was so stressed my hair started falling out. I knew there had to be more to life. Then a friend of mine suggested I try Reiki. Patricia’s website kept coming up on my searches. I knew I had nothing to lose so I booked in.
Well I can say in no uncertain terms that weekend changed the course of my life 9for the better) FOREVER. I completely fell in love with Reiki. I have since trained to become a Reiki Practitioner and Reiki Teacher.
I now run my own successful Holistic Business. I have two Reiki and Angel meditation classes every week that are always booked up, almost 1000 followers on my Facebook Page and I will be teaching my first Reiki 1 Workshop in two weeks’ time. I just can’t wait to share this amazing gift I have been given.
I keep telling myself EVERYDAY REACH FOR THE MOON, what’s the worst that can happen …. You land with the Stars.
So Patricia I’m just one of the many many students you have helped over your teaching years, you should be so proud of yourself, you literally change lives, and I know you say it’s the Reiki – you are just the Antenna but I don’t think I would be where I am today had you not been my teacher/coach/mentor.
All I can say is Thank you, Thank you, Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it’s been a truly amazing experience – (I am actually teary as I write this).
Forever your biggest fan,
Patricia Loughlin was recommended to me by one of my colleagues after I expressed an interest in exploring Reiki to assist in my recovery days after having suffered a massive, life-changing, panic attack at work – so serious that I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital.
Nearly one year later, there is no doubt in my mind that Reiki has turned my life around especially in dealing with an anxiety disorder that I was subsequently diagnosed with.
I was so impressed with the effect it had on both the physical and mental well-being that I attended Reiki Level 1 Workshop which enables me to perform Reiki effectively on myself now.
I have also diagnosed with a serious liver issue a couple of years ago which my specialist was extremely concerned about as to my longevity.
Since I commenced Reiki, my liver condition has improved dramatically, so much so that I only attend him once a year now.
Patricia built me back up to where I am now from a very dark place in my life by patiently performing Reiki on me in a very positive professional manner. I owe my recovery to Patricia and to the person who introduced me to her.
Best for now
Book your very powerful, deeply relaxing and very often life changing Reiki Treatment now with Reiki Master, Patricia Loughlin. Patricia has 37 years Teaching Experience
PRIVATE REIKI HEALING – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Mini Reiki Healing and Angel Card Reading on Zoom – 30 mins €30
Reiki Treatment and Angel Healing incl Mini Angel Card Reading – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Reiki & Angel Healing – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Reiki Therapy for depression, anxiety and stress relief – 1 hour €60
Counselling, CBT and Reiki Healing Treatment for Relationships, Phobias, Self Love, more Confidence, Courage 1 hour €60
Neurolinguistic programming and Reiki – 1 hour €60
Email –
TEL/TEXT PATRICIA LOUGHLIN – 087 6209892It is very advisable to see a qualified doctor if you are worried about your physical, emotional or mental health.
A Professional Reiki in Dublin Therapist will not diagnose, recommend any form of medical treatmenor or give any guarantees.
Reiki is a safe and natural healing therapy.