Treat yourself to a very enjoyable Reiki Treatment in Dublin
Reiki Healing (First Visit) | €55 (1 hour) |
Reiki Healing and Counselling | €60 (1 hour) |
Phone: 0876209892
Workshops Attended Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki 3/Mastership
“I want to thank you sincerely for the huge time and patience you have put into teaching me Reiki. Patricia is someone who genuinely looks to help people and empower them to help themselves, something which I consider a great gift – she is a very natural teacher.”
I choose Patricia Loughlin
because she is Ireland’s “BEST-KNOWN REIKI TEACHER”.
With her extensive 37 years teaching experience, she has clearly established herself
as a leader in the field of REIKI HEALING – both practicing & teaching Reiki
Best decision I ever made was to attend Patricia’s Reiki Workshops.
She is a very gifted teacher and explains everything in a very easy to understand way. I was very anxious prior to attending but she has a knack of making you feel very relaxed and happy.
Sat & Sun -1 & 2 MARCH 2025
€175 (down from €195) -
€155 for Students/Unwaged
This Reiki 1 Workshop focuses on self-healing. You become a Reiki Healer and are shown all the hand positions for giving oneself, family and friends a full Reiki Treatment...
Continue readingSat & Sun 12 & 13 APRIL 2025
€350 – book now & attend for €295.00
(Repeat this Reiki 2 Workshop
for only €155 for 2 Days, 1 Day €75)
This very powerful, deeply relaxing and very informative Reiki 2 Workshop is suited to those who wish to continue using Reiki for their own personal holistic healing journey. Becoming attuned to Reiki Second Degree will further unlock the full potential of the Reiki energy - up to 4 times stronger - to greatly accelerate your own and other healings...
Continue readingReiki Masters incl Teacher Training
Sat & Sun 26 & 27 APRIL 2025
€475.00 – book now &
Attend for €395.00
(Repeat this Reiki 3/Master Workshop
for only €155 for 2 Days, 1 Day €75)
This very powerful, informative Reiki 3/Masters Workshop is suited to those who wish to continue using Reiki for their own personal holistic healing journey. Becoming attuned to the Master Reiki symbol will unlock the full potential of the Reiki Energy to greatly empower your own personal healing.
Continue readingPsychic Surgery,
Healing with Colours and Angels & NLP
Learn 3 Levels in one weekend
Sat & Sun 22 & 23 FEBRUARY 2025
€495 – book now & you Attend for €395
(Repeat this Seichem Workshop
for only €155 for 2 Days, 1 Day €75)
This workshop is for Reiki Masters and Reiki 2 Practitioners who wish to greatly increase the healing energy that they channel and who wish to become Certified Seichem Practitioners/Masters. Students will be initiated into Seichem I, Seichem II and Seichem III/Mastership in this Workshop...
Continue readingSATURDAY 5 APRIL 2025
3.45pm-5.45pm- €10
JUST FOR Reiki Masters & Reiki Teachers
3.50pm - 5.45pm - €10
BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW TEL PATRICIA – 0876209892 EMAIL - in the beautiful Griffith College, 25 Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1
Continue reading
24 & 25 MAY 2025
€395 - Book now and
You can Attend for €295 (save €100)
(Repeat this Reiki Practitioner Workshop
for only €155 for 2 Days, 1 Day €75)
The Course Content of this Advanced Reiki Practitioner Workshop more than meets the guidelines of the Reiki Training outlined by the Reiki Federation of Ireland enabling you and your website to be listed as a Professional Reiki Practitioner on the Reiki Federation of Ireland Website.
Continue reading“I choose Patricia Loughlin to be my Reiki Teacher because she has 37 years of Teaching Experience and is very highly qualified as a Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Trainer of NLP, and Master Angel Teacher. She had trained with the BEST in the World – Richard Bandler and Tony Robbins”.
“Trust your instincts like I did and attend Patricia’s Reiki Workshops. You will be glad you did – Reiki completely changed my life for the better. I am much more confident and relaxed now. Patricia is a Brilliant Teacher”.
I want to thank you sincerely for the huge time and patience you have put into teaching me Reiki. Patricia is someone who genuinely looks to help people and empower them to help themselves, something which I consider a great gift – she is a very natural teacher. She also takes all the fear out of learning and rightly lives by the principle that anyone can learn and benefit from Reiki. I encourage anyone who’s been thinking about Reiki to bring it into their life and have no fear that it won’t improve your life dramatically.”
Workshops Attended Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki 3/Mastership
Book now
Tel/Text Patricia on : 0876209892
email :
Reiki in Dublin – What is Reiki?
Reiki Healing (First Visit) | €55 (1 hour) |
Reiki Healing and Counselling | €60 (1 hour) |
PRIVATE REIKI HEALING – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Mini Reiki Healing and Angel Card Reading on Zoom –
30 mins €30
Reiki Treatment and Angel Healing incl
Mini Angel Card Reading – 1 hour €60
Reiki & Angel Healing – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and
Reiki Therapy for depression, anxiety and stress relief –
1 hour €60
Counselling, CBT and Reiki Healing Treatment for Relationships, Phobias, Self Love, more Confidence, Courage
1 hour €60
Neurolinguistic programming and Reiki – 1 hour €60
PRIVATE REIKI HEALING – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Mini Reiki Healing and Angel Card Reading on Zoom – 30 mins €30
Reiki Treatment and Angel Healing incl Mini Angel Card Reading – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Reiki & Angel Healing – 1 hour €55 (First Visit)
Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Reiki Therapy for depression, anxiety and stress relief – 1 hour €60
Counselling, CBT and Reiki Healing Treatment for Relationships, Phobias, Self Love, more Confidence, Courage 1 hour €60
Neurolinguistic programming and Reiki – 1 hour €60
It is very advisable to see a qualified doctor if you are worried about your physical, emotional or mental health.
A Professional Reiki Therapist will not diagnose, recommend any form of medical treatmenor or give any guarantees.
Reiki is a safe and natural healing therapy.
Email :
Telephone/Text : 0876209892
Address : Griffith College, 25 Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1
Patricia is Ireland’s BEST KNOWN REIKI AND ANGEL TEACHER. She is a very experienced teacher in many areas for the past 37 years.
Patricia has the fundamental belief that life is for living and not existing. She teaches and practices #1 Reiki in Dublin. Through the practice of Best Reiki Course in Dublin, she empowers others to take control and heal their lives. She helps her students create lives that are worth jumping out of bed for!
She has trained thousands of Students from all over Ireland, Europe and US. Many of them have also on to set up their own Reiki Business – both practicing and/or teaching Reiki.
She is delighted that the majority of her Reiki incl Healing with the Angel Workshops fill up through word of mouth – referrals from all her past students. There is always a very happy and relaxed atmosphere in all her Reiki Workshops. Many of her Students who met in her Reiki Courses have made have life long friends for over 20 years.
She is very friendly and passionate about her work as a Reiki Teacher and Therapist. She looks forward to sharing this passion with you by teaching you all about Reiki and the positive influence it can have on your life and that of others. You can also receive a Private Reiki Healing.
With Patricia’s guidance, Reiki will easily and naturally become a part of you.
In addition to being a Reiki, Seichem and Angel Teacher and Therapist, Patricia is also a Licensed Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Patricia trained in Orlando, Florida with Dr Richard Bandler, Co-creator of NLP and John La Valle, President of the Society of NLP. She is licensed by the Largest and Oldest NLP Training Body in the World…….Continue reading
Reiki has many benefits for young individuals & kids. It is known to reduce their anxiety and depression and allow them to feel more peaceful. It has proven benefits such as increasing one’s mood, self-identity, life-satisfaction, improves sleep and racing thoughts and overall has been known for feeling more relaxed and better able to handle difficult situations with family, friends and self.