Phone: 0876209892
Angels are pure spiritual beings, who come from the Heart of God (or Source or your Higher Power) and are manifestations of unconditional Love. Their role is to act as messengers for the Divine. Angels cannot help you until you ask and as soon as you do, they will always help you.
Angels come from a part of the universe called the 7 th Heaven which is another way of describing the 7 th dimension. A dimension is a frequency band like the wave bands of a radio. Many Humans live in the frequency band of the 3 rd dimension. However, as we become more spiritual and open our Hearts to giving and receiving love, we have started to move into the fourth and fifth dimensions.
The 5 th dimension is when you truly start to live with love, joy and harmony. In this dimension your connection with them become stronger, your intuition and trust in the Divine more established and as a result you manifest the Life you want – you become a magnet77 for more Love, Happiness, improved Health, Wealth and Prosperity.
As soon as you start to raise your frequency, you can form a closer connection with your Angels and it is easier to hear their messages.
Yes, many people can see Angels but others can not see Angels. They vibrate at a very high frequency, which is normally beyond our range of hearing or sight. Image a fan. When the fan is switched off, you can feel and touch the spokes. If the fan is switched on at high speed the spokes become invisible though they are still there.
This is similar to the high vibration of an Angel who is there but invisible to most humans.
If an Angel want to appear to you, they will present themselves in a way which is meaningful to you. It may be a light, a golden being with wings, a wonderful perfume, or brilliant new ideas floating into your mind. Some people just feel a wonderful sense of peace and love. They feel guided and protected. Occasionally an they will take the form of a human if this is necessary to complete some important work. Did you ever have a stranger sit down beside you in a café or or on a train. Did you find yourself having an in-depth conversation with this person and they share powerful words of wisdom with you?
I believe this is your Guardian Angel taking on the persona of a human being so they can give you guidance at this time in your life.
The Angels are androgynous and beyond sexuality. On occasion, they may appear as male or female. For example, Archangel Michael
often appears to be male as he is strongly expressing the qualities of courage and strength. Other appear to be female as they are powerfully administering the qualities of compassion, caring or healing.
In order to sense Angels, you must open your Heart. As you do this you raise your frequency and develop your intuition, your inner knowing and you know with certainty that they are around you – you no long need proof. Tuning into your creative/intuitive feminine energy – the right side of your brain – makes it easier for them to connect with you.
As you open your heart, you also open your spiritual channels and enhance your psychic abilities.
Yes, you can receive messages from Angels. They almost always communicate through your thoughts and you have probably been hearing Messages from them this way all your life without being aware.
Everything you do to open your Heart and develop your own angelic qualities will help you to raise your frequency to a level where you can communicate with them and clearly hear their messages.
Yes, you can pray to Angels. Prayers to them are taken directly to God.
There are many types of Angels that protect you. There are Angels for every task who can help to lighten up your life and smooth your path whenever possible. You do not need to call on a specific Angel, the perfect one will always make themselves available to you.
At the moment, Mother Earth is undergoing a shift in consciousness so that we can all live at a higher frequency of love, wisdom, co-operation and peace. To assist us with this shift in consciousness and the changes involved millions of Angels are being directed to Earth by God.
They are here to support us to release all negativity, anger, jealousy, hurt and fear and replace it with love, peace, joy and abundance, which is our true birthright. We are incredibly blessed to be incarnated on earth right now because the opportunities for spiritual grown are enormous.
Everyone is allocated a Guardian Angel to look after them throughout all of their life. They are your loving companion, constantly watching over you. They hold the picture of your divine perfection and constantly whispers it to you, impressing you with the highest choices you can make. They can open the doors of new opportunities for you and arrange amazing and magical synchronicities for you.
There are thousands of Archangels who serve in a cosmic capacity, though only a few are well known on Earth.
Archangels oversee the Angels and Guardian Angels and direct them to do specific tasks. For instance, Archangel Chamuel oversees the Angels of Love and Archangel Raphael oversees the Healing Angels
You can always ask the Angels for help. They have enormous compassion and love and are ready and willing to help you at all times. You can ask the them for help with any problem, request guidance and direction, or ask them to help smooth over a difficult situation.
They will always help you find the perfect solution and in particular, can help to heal relationships. It is important to remember that you have to ask them for help, as under Spiritual Law, they will always honour your free will.
When you ask them a question, an answer will always be given to you. The answer may come in a book, in something someone says, or through the radio or television. Alternatively, the answer may drop into your head or be revealed in a dream. They will always find a way to bring the answer to you.
They will help you find clarity and understanding and guide you to find the wisest way to resolve a problem.
When asking for assistance, it is helpful if you first take the time to centre yourself, calm any turbulent emotions and ask with sincerity and for the highest good. Then it is important to detach from the outcome, stop worrying and trust that they will deal with the situation in the best possible way for everyone.
They will ensure that you meet the right person or read a particular paragraph in a book or hear a story on the radio at the exact moment you need to. They see your highest potential and guide you to achieve your dreams.
We can ask the Angels to help someone else and our request creates grace. This allows them to help and creates a bridge of light. They can direct their high frequency energy along this bridge to where it is needed.
If the person will not allow their help, they will wait until their help is accepted or they will use the light appropriately elsewhere.
When an Angel wants to attract your attention it may drop a white feather in an unexpected place for you to find. This is to reassure you that your request has been heard and your Angel is nearby, supporting you. The Angels also send feathers to let you know that you are making the right decision or when you ask the Angels to leave a sign.
Clouds in the Shape of an Angel. The Angels are letting you know that they are above you. The ethers and the vapours from the clouds form round the energy of the Angel so that you can see their outline.
A butterfly landing nearby or fluttering past may be bringing a message from the Angels. Angels sometimes send a bird to us – you can usually tell this because the bird will come very close and show no fear.
Sometimes Angels will send you a rainbow even when there has been no rain. You may find that you are driving or walking under the arch of a rainbow or see a rainbow at special moments in your life.
you can often see these in the snow, mud, leaves, rocks or sand.
The Angels will make sure that you glance up and notice an Angel symbol, such as someone walking past wearing an Angel T-shirt or jewellery, or an Angel picture on a card or shop front. At other times they impress us to turn on the radio or TV at just the right time when people are talking about Angels or an Angel song or film is being played.
Angel Card Reading
Would you like to attend for an Angel Card Reading with Master Angel Teacher Patricia Loughlin
and receive guidance from your Angels on any area of your life –
your relationships, love life, health, career and so on – Yes?
Book your Angel Card Reading now
30 mins – for €25 (on zoom)
Tel/text 0876209892
Reiki & Neuro Linguistic Programming – 1 hour €60
Reiki & Hypnotherapy – 1 hour €60
Reiki & Angel Healing – 1 hour €60
Counselling/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for
Relationships, Stress, Confidence, Phobias
1 hour €60
Griffith College, 25 Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1
You will love studying Reiki in the very modern and quiet Griffith College which is right in the centre of Dublin.
The College is easily accessible by public transport with the Red and Green Luas lines just minutes away, and is well-served by the buses that stop on O’Connell Street and the quays along the River Liffey. Dublin bikes is on our doorstep. For car users you can park in parkrite carpark on Parnell Street and get your ticket validated in College (€10 per day).
There is a lovely canteen. You can bring in your own lunch or if you wish you can go out for lunch. Students usually love to stay in for lunch and have great banter in the canteen during lunchtime. There is always a very happy and relaxed atmosphere in all of Patricia’s Workshops. Look forward to making new likeminded friends.
There are lots of restaurants and coffee shops nearby.
Patricia supplies tea/coffee and biscuits for morning breaks.
Click on BUY NOW BUTTON to Pay €50 deposit or Pay in full for this Reiki Workshop to secure your place and avail of early bird price