Phone: 0876209892
Affirmations are a series of new positive thought processes that will enable us to feel more connected to our sense of self, more confident and ultimately more in control of our lives.
Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat over and over in our minds to create various outcomes and emotions in our lives.
Believe something with all your will and think the thought over and over without any question until you believe it so much that you make it happen.
Our thoughts shape our habits, our habit shapes our character and our character ultimately shapes our destiny. Our thoughts dictate how we feel, our mood and our emotions and all too often through a series of faulty thoughts and belief systems we may become disconnected from our sense of self and managing our emotions and our life can seem like an impossible task.
If we went to the gym each and every single day and exercised only one side of our body it would become strong and supple, toned and agile. In the same way when we think only negative thoughts about ourselves, our work, or others, the habit begins to take route and life begins to shape up in the opposite direction of the way we would love it to be
The process of changing our mindsets from negative, fearful and destructive is a bit like the process of going to the gym. If we have a whole raft of negative thinking processes that have been developed grown and reinforced by ourselves, our experiences, our partners and our families then we need to look at how we can gently begin to change our negative thoughts into positive and gradually change our habits. If we can do this the changes can be staggering and life altering
If you stick the positive thoughts on your bathroom mirror or on a wardrobe door, dashboard of your car, back of your toilet door and read them over and over eventually you will begin to think and act on these new thoughts.
The key is in reading them over repeatedly. We are what we repeatedly think so excellence then is not an act but a habit. Every thought you think is creating your future.
Just like going to the gym you have to constantly exercise the positive muscle, however like any diet or gym routine the effects take time so be patient with yourself. Gently does it!
Workshops Attended Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki 3/Mastership
“I want to thank you sincerely for the huge time and patience you have put into teaching me Reiki. Patricia is someone who genuinely looks to help people and empower them to help themselves, something which I consider a great gift – she is a very natural teacher.”
“Brilliant 2 days – will definitely recommend it to all my friends and family. My life has completely changed since attending Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 – I have given up smoking and drinking – my panic attacks have completely disappeared. I am now planning on setting up my own Reiki Business and passing on all the Healing I have received to the public – can’t wait to do Reiki 3”.
“Reiki 1 Workshop was amazing – but I definitely felt the Reiki Energy so much more powerful after Reiki 2. I have so much more confidence now and am looking forward to sending Distant Reiki Healing to my brother and friend in Australia. Also I loved the exercises that Patricia taught us to help build our self-confidence
“I’ve had Reiki on my mind for over 10 years. This weekend was excellent and exceeded ALL my expectations – feeling really relaxed and self-confident now”.
“I really enjoyed this course. I have been interested in healing for a long time – I am so glad I did this Workshop this weekend – Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant!”
I found this Reiki Workshop excellent. Patricia is an excellent teacher and made the course so exciting and enjoyable. I can’t wait to do the other 2 levels of Reiki”.
“I found this Reiki Workshop to be very helpful – it opened up new beliefs and has given me HUGE CONFIDENCE and a sense of EMPOWERMENT”.
1 hour €50
Reiki & Angel Healing – 1 hour €60
Click on BUY NOW BUTTON to Pay €50 deposit or Pay in full for this Reiki Workshop to secure your place and avail of early bird price